The best way to uninstall any program from Server Core, is to go into the registry to HKLM\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall . In there, you will see GUID for the various programs that are installed. If you select the GUID and look at the right had side you will see some good information: One of the REG_EXPAND_SZ… Continue reading Uninstalling Forefront from Server Core
Replica disk threshold exceeded, or Recovery Point Volume threshold exceeded
Great! :( Now what? Well, if you have a new DPM server and not a lot of protection groups created, and you haven’t been protecting anything much, you can just click on the link in the warning message that says “Allocate more disk space for replica…” That pulls up a pretty window that looks like… Continue reading Replica disk threshold exceeded, or Recovery Point Volume threshold exceeded
Hyper-V performance
If you want to monitor performance in Hyper-V, you might like to check out this utility: If you use Hyper-V, or any OS virtualization platform, you know that you can’t trust the Windows Task Manager from inside the VMs to tell you squat. Basically, the virtualization layer pulls the rug out from under the guest… Continue reading Hyper-V performance
Raise Your Data Center Temperature
After following a link to a story about Google’s abilities to “route around outages” that Patrick had on his Blog, I saw a link to another story about Google’s Data Center practices. Apparently you don’t have to keep the Data Center frigid these days… Most data centers operate in a temperature range between 68 and… Continue reading Raise Your Data Center Temperature
The stub received bad data – DPM backup of a SQL DB
My DPM Server: Server 2008 x64 DPM 2007 SP1 SQL 2005 SP3 (local to DPM) Protecting: Server 2003 SP2 x64 SQL 2005 SP3 I have about 30 databases being backed up from the one client machine. All of them backup just fine except one. Every time I try to do a synchronization or a full… Continue reading The stub received bad data – DPM backup of a SQL DB
Error installing update for Microsoft Forefront
I have a server that is Server 2008 x64. It has the client for Microsoft Forefront Client Security installed. It has been showing that it needed to update the client, but every time I told it to run, it would fail. I found this in the Application log: Application ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\Client\Antimalware\MSASCui.exe’ (pid 3304)… Continue reading Error installing update for Microsoft Forefront
Preinstall DPM Client
If you deploy servers from an image, and you would like to install DPM prior to imaging, you can’t just use the install option from the DPM server. You CAN install the agent manually, and then configure it later. Copy the latest agent files from C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\Agents\RA and put them somewhere you can get… Continue reading Preinstall DPM Client
SQL Queries
I don’t usually do a lot with SQL, but lately I have found myself having to look at, and work with SQL a good bit. It seems that things come in waves. Anyway, I was looking for a quick way to copy a table from one Database to another and came across this blog which… Continue reading SQL Queries
System Center Service Manager
When I first heard that Microsoft was going to release a “Service Desk” product, I was actually kind of excited. I heard about it at MMS in 2006 (I think) and the things that they were planning for their Service Desk product sounded really useful and even a bit forward thinking. Evidently, what they intended… Continue reading System Center Service Manager
What is the memory capacity of the human brain?
This came up in conversation with a friend of mine, and so I searched and found this answer. Maybe instead of purchasing physical disks, we just need to get everyone to practice using their brain to remember things… on second thought, we can’t get them to practice using their brains for much of anything so…… Continue reading What is the memory capacity of the human brain?