Further AVD Adventures

I mentioned in a previous post that we were experimenting with Azure Virtual Desktop.  One of the things that I need to be able to do is launch from a web page.  We have figured out how to do that using this info:  Uniform Resource Identifier schemes with the Remote Desktop client for Azure Virtual… Continue reading Further AVD Adventures

Revisiting my Blog

I have spent a decent amount of time over the years, trying to convince myself to spend some time on my blog.  I have updated the OS of the VM that runs it.  I have migrated from whatever platform I started on (I think I had two different ones going at one point.) I have… Continue reading Revisiting my Blog

Strange Reboots

This isn’t going to be a terribly helpful post, but I do think it is interesting.  I have a server that is exhibiting some strange behavior.  When I copy a file to the server it reboots.  At first, I thought this was a specific file, but later determined that it didn’t matter what the file… Continue reading Strange Reboots

StorSimple Virtual Array

I really like Microsoft.  As a company, they don’t always do things the way I would like them to, but overall, they make products that meet a need. We operate in a (mostly) centralized infrastructure.  Our file servers are (mostly) in our main office.  I have a few virtualized StorSimple appliances that I use in… Continue reading StorSimple Virtual Array

Express Route Provisioning Error

  We have recently decided to invest in an Express Route circuit for Azure.  It is supposed to be helpful with Azure and Office 365.  There are two ways to provision the ExpressRoute circuit.  Both require PowerShell. There is the classic: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/expressroute-howto-circuit-classic/ And there is the Resource Manager: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/expressroute-howto-circuit-arm/ Here is the note about those… Continue reading Express Route Provisioning Error

StorSimple Virtual Appliance

I have been interested in StorSimple for some time, but haven’t actually used it before.  Recently, Microsoft announced a virtual appliance preview.  It looks pretty interesting and I have a test scenario where I want to use it.  If my testing goes well, I may expand my use of it.  The documentation on it is… Continue reading StorSimple Virtual Appliance

Security Token Service

Had a bit of a scare during a maintenance window.  Ran some updates on our SharePoint farm and after that one of the sites wasn’t coming up.  Kept getting a 503 error.  When I checked the event log, I found this error message: An exception occurred when trying to issue security token: The HTTP service… Continue reading Security Token Service

SharePoint Documents are all checked out

I wanted to write a PowerShell script to check all the documents back in that had been checked out.  Turns out that is not as straight forward as I had hoped. First search came up with this: Office Discarding Check Out Using PowerShell Then when I tried to run the command (from the server console,… Continue reading SharePoint Documents are all checked out