Redirect Http to Https using Azure CDN

In my recent efforts to move my one page, static content website, I have had a few challenges.  First let me say, those challenges were most certainly due to my ignorance, and not due to the technology in use.  Also, some of my issues are related to trying to make a simple task more complicated… Continue reading Redirect Http to Https using Azure CDN

Let’s Encrypt

As I posted previously, I am working on moving all of my websites to Azure.  I started with the easiest one, which is a static page.  So far, I have moved it, and it is now reachable via HTTPS, but not without the ‘www’.  While that isn’t important for that particular site, it is important… Continue reading Let’s Encrypt

What is this CI/CD thing? Let’s do a tutorial!

Well, according to Wikipedia, CI/CD is: In software engineering, CI/CD or CICD generally refers to the combined practices of continuous integration and either continuous delivery or continuous deployment. CI/CD bridges the gaps between development and operation activities and teams by enforcing automation in building, testing and deployment of applications. So, of course I get what… Continue reading What is this CI/CD thing? Let’s do a tutorial!