2015 Blog Report

Well, I didn’t hit the number I was hoping to hit.  I made it to 162, and I was hoping to make it to 175.  Maybe by the end of 2016? Since this is a WordPress site and I use Jetpack here is a nice little report provided with no effort on my part: http://jetpack.me/annual-report/6842850/2015/

My new iPhone…

I just purchased my first Apple product.  I bought an iPhone.  I have had a Blackberry for years, but the iPhone actually seems a little more cool.  I am not an iTunes user, and I don’t have an iPod, but I have to admit that I think the device is pretty neat. So, today when… Continue reading My new iPhone…

Personal websites

There are a lot of people who have personal websites that they use to keep track of family.  I have seen a few different types, but it seems that most of them are setup to be mostly a replacement for the photo albums that were always laying around especially at my grand parents house.  I… Continue reading Personal websites

Random ramblings…

So, after my adventures in moving my Blog to WordPress…  I was thinking I would try to write up "detailed" instructions on what I did to get it up and going, but then I remembered… I am lazy. I still need to move my other websites over to my new server.  The sad thing is,… Continue reading Random ramblings…