2015 Blog Report

Well, I didn’t hit the number I was hoping to hit.  I made it to 162, and I was hoping to make it to 175.  Maybe by the end of 2016? Since this is a WordPress site and I use Jetpack here is a nice little report provided with no effort on my part: http://jetpack.me/annual-report/6842850/2015/

My new iPhone…

I just purchased my first Apple product.  I bought an iPhone.  I have had a Blackberry for years, but the iPhone actually seems a little more cool.  I am not an iTunes user, and I don’t have an iPod, but I have to admit that I think the device is pretty neat. So, today when… Continue reading My new iPhone…

Personal websites

There are a lot of people who have personal websites that they use to keep track of family.  I have seen a few different types, but it seems that most of them are setup to be mostly a replacement for the photo albums that were always laying around especially at my grand parents house.  I… Continue reading Personal websites