Follow up to the DPM recovery point expiration issues

Previously, I blogged about issues I was having where old recovery points were not being expired/removed from my DPM servers.  I had to open a ticket with Microsoft, and worked with them to determine the cause, and since then, they have released a fix.

The fix that Microsoft developed is here:

A few people have asked for the PowerShell script “show-pruneshadowcopies.ps1” that Microsoft provided and I mentioned in my previous post (here).  The script looks like this:

#displays all RP for data sources and shows which RP’s would be deleted by the regular pruneshadowcopies.ps1
# Outputs to a logfile:  C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\bin\SHOW-PRUNESHADOWCOPIES.LOG

#Author    : Mike J
#Date    : 02/24/2009


function GetDistinctDays([Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.OMCommon.ProtectionGroup] $group,
[Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.OMCommon.Datasource] $ds)
    if($group.ProtectionType -eq [Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.OMCommon.ProtectionType]::DiskToTape)
        return 0
    $scheduleList = get-policyschedule -ProtectionGroup $group -ShortTerm
    if($ds -is [Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.UI.ObjectModel.FileSystem.FsDataSource])
        $jobType = [Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.JobTypeType]::ShadowCopy
        $jobType = [Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.JobTypeType]::FullReplicationForApplication
        if($ds.ProtectionType -eq [Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.Intent.ReplicaProtectionType]::ProtectFromDPM)
            return 2
    write-host   "Look for jobType $jobType"

    foreach($schedule in $scheduleList)
        write-host("schedule jobType {0}" -f $schedule.JobType)
        if($schedule.JobType -eq $jobType)
            return [Math]::Ceiling(($schedule.WeekDays.Length * $ds.RecoveryRangeinDays) / 7)

    return 0

function IsShadowCopyExternal($id)
    $result = $false;

    $ctx = New-Object -Typename Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.DB.SqlContext

    $cmd = $ctx.CreateCommand()
    $cmd.CommandText = "select COUNT(*) from tbl_RM_ShadowCopy where shadowcopyid = ‘$id’"  
    write-host $cmd.CommandText
    $countObj = $cmd.ExecuteScalar()
    write-host $countObj
    if ($countObj -eq 0)
        $result = $true

    return $result

function IsShadowCopyInUse($id)
    $result = $true;

    $ctx = New-Object -Typename Microsoft.Internal.EnterpriseStorage.Dls.DB.SqlContext

    $cmd = $ctx.CreateCommand()
    $cmd.CommandText = "select ArchiveTaskId, RecoveryJobId from tbl_RM_ShadowCopy where ShadowCopyId = ‘$id’"  
    write-host $cmd.CommandText
    $reader = $cmd.ExecuteReader()
        if ($reader.IsDBNull(0) -and $reader.IsDBNull(1))
            $result = $false

    return $result

"**********************************" > $logfile
"Version $version" >> $logfile
get-date >> $logfile

$dpmservername = &"hostname"

$dpmsrv = connect-dpmserver $dpmservername

if (!$dpmsrv)
    write-host "Unable to connect to $dpmservername"
    exit 1

write-host $dpmservername
"Selected DPM server = $DPMservername" >> $logfile
$pgList = get-protectiongroup $dpmservername
if (!$pgList)
    write-host   "No PGs found"
    disconnect-dpmserver $dpmservername
    exit 2

write-host("Number of ProtectionGroups = {0}" -f $pgList.Length)
$replicaList = @{}
$latestScDateList = @{}

foreach($pg in $pgList)
    $dslist = get-datasource $pg
    if ($dslist.length -gt 0)
    write-host("Number of datasources in this PG = {0}" -f $dslist.length)
    ("Number of datasources in this PG = {0}" -f $dslist.length) >> $logfile
    Foreach ($ds in $dslist)
       write-host("DS NAME=  $ds")
       ("DS NAME=  $ds") >>$logfile
    foreach ($ds in $dslist)
        $rplist = get-recoverypoint $ds | where { $_.DataLocation -eq ‘Disk’ }
        write-host("Number of recovery points for $ds {0}" -f $rplist.length)
        ("Number of recovery points for $ds {0}" -f $rplist.length) >>$logfile 
        $countDistinctDays = GetDistinctDays $pg $ds
        write-host("Number of days with fulls = $countDistinctDays")
        ("Number of days with fulls = $countDistinctDays") >>$logfile
        if($countDistinctDays -eq 0)
            write-host   "D2T PG. No recovery points to delete"
            "D2T PG. No recovery points to delete" >>$logfile
        $replicaList[$ds.ReplicaPath] = $ds.RecoveryRangeinDays
        $latestScDateList[$ds.ReplicaPath] = new-object DateTime 0,0
        $lastDayOfRetentionRange = ([DateTime]::UtcNow).AddDays($ds.RecoveryRangeinDays * -1);       
        write-host("Distinct days to count = {0}. LastDayOfRetentionRange = {1} " -f $countDistinctDays, $lastDayOfRetentionRange)
        ("Distinct days to count = {0}. LastDayOfRetentionRange = {1} " -f $countDistinctDays, $lastDayOfRetentionRange) >>$logfile
        $distinctDays = 0;
        $lastDistinctDay = (get-Date).Date
        $numberOfRecoveryPointsDeleted = 0

        if ($rplist)
            foreach ($rp in ($rplist | sort-object -property UtcRepresentedPointInTime -descending))
                if ($rp)
                    if ($rp.UtcRepresentedPointInTime.Date -lt $lastDistinctDay)
                        $distinctDays += 1
                        $lastDistinctDay = $rp.UtcRepresentedPointInTime.Date
                    write-host(" $ds")
                    (" $ds") >>$logfile
                    write-host("  Recovery Point #$distinctdays RPtime={0}" -f $rp.UtcRepresentedPointInTime)
                    ("  Recovery Point #$distinctdays RPtime={0}" -f $rp.UtcRepresentedPointInTime) >>$logfile
                    if (($distinctDays -gt $countDistinctDays) -and ($rp.UtcRepresentedPointInTime -lt $lastDayOfRetentionRange))
                        write-host ("Recovery Point would be deleted ! – RPtime={0}" -f $rp.UtcRepresentedPointInTime)  -foregroundcolor red
                        ("Recovery Point would be deleted ! – RPtime={0} <<<<<<<" -f $rp.UtcRepresentedPointInTime) >>$logfile
#remove-recoverypoint $rp -ForceDeletion -confirm:$true | out-null
                        $numberOfRecoveryPointsDeleted += 1
                        write-host "    Recovery point not expired yet"
                        "    Recovery point not yet expired" >>$logfile
                    write-host "Got a NULL rp"
                    "Got a NULL rp" >>$logfile

            write-host "Number of RPs that would be deleted = $numberOfRecoveryPointsDeleted"  
            "Number of RPs that would be deleted = $numberOfRecoveryPointsDeleted" >>$logfile            

disconnect-dpmserver $dpmservername
write-host "Exiting from script"



  1. Hello Mike!

    I am running out of disk space in my DPM 2010 environment. How do I go about running the scripts to make sure that my old recovery points are being deleted?

    1. If you are experiencing a problem with the recovery points not expiring, you can look at this post. I don’t think this is a problem for DPM 2010 though.

      In that post, I have the script that Microsoft provided to show the expired recovery points. The script to clear the expired recovery points is the “pruneshadowcopies.ps1″ that is present in the DPM\bin directory. You can run it manually, and it will clear recovery points.

      Let me know if this doesn’t make sense or if I can be of any further help.

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