Servers in Domain

At some point, I had a desire to list all the computer accounts for any server OS in Active Directory.  I am pretty sure that I did a search and found the script below, but I don’t remember where, so whoever wrote it doesn’t get credit this time… $strCategory = “computer” $strOperatingSystem = “Windows*Server*” $objDomain… Continue reading Servers in Domain

Follow up to the DPM recovery point expiration issues

Previously, I blogged about issues I was having where old recovery points were not being expired/removed from my DPM servers.  I had to open a ticket with Microsoft, and worked with them to determine the cause, and since then, they have released a fix. The fix that Microsoft developed is here: A few people… Continue reading Follow up to the DPM recovery point expiration issues

DPM does not remove expired recovery points

I have been using DPM for about 7 months now.  (I tested with it for a few months before that.)  I never installed 2006, but 2007 seems to be working ok.  I have a few complaints, but I have complaints about all the backup software that I have ever used.  None of it really makes… Continue reading DPM does not remove expired recovery points

Preinstall DPM Client

If you deploy servers from an image, and you would like to install DPM prior to imaging, you can’t just use the install option from the DPM server.  You CAN install the agent manually, and then configure it later.  Copy the latest agent files from C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\Agents\RA and put them somewhere you can get… Continue reading Preinstall DPM Client