Vista Shortcuts

I was reading some of the junk e-mail that Microsoft sends me and came across this article.  I wanted to save the shortcuts, a lot of which I knew (and use) but some of which are new to me: Boost your productivity Learn a few angelic Windows keyboard shortcuts Hold Shift when inserting a… Continue reading Vista Shortcuts

RDP to the console

In the past, I have used mstsc /console to get to “session 0” on remote machines.  With Vista and Windows Server 2008 that isn’t the correct command though.  Instead it has been changed to mstsc /admin.

Does Vista suck?

 I thought this was an interesting perspective on Vista.  He doesn’t try to gloss over shortcoming, but he does point out that not all the pains are Microsoft’s fault.  I mean really…  Do venders really think if they ignore Microsoft it will just go away? Does Vista suck? Though not without its warts, Microsoft’s much… Continue reading Does Vista suck?

Copy as Path

So I was flipping through TechNet Magazine (because it is one of the many magazines that slide across my desk into the stack of “if I ever get time” stuff) and came to the last article in the issue:  “Windows Explorer Doesn’t Do Text”.  The article explains the reason that you can’t just select a… Continue reading Copy as Path

Explanation of User Account Control in Vista

I found this by accident when I was installing SQL tools on my Vista machine.  I think it gives a pretty good short explanation of User Account Control. This paragraph starts the helpful explanation: Microsoft Windows Vista includes a new feature, User Account Control (UAC), which helps administrators manage their use of elevated privileges.… Continue reading Explanation of User Account Control in Vista

Windows 3.1??

I was looking around and found a blog entry that stipulates that Windows 3.1 is still alive. Silliness prevails it seems.


So I was looking through the Services and noticed a couple of interesting items.  You probably have already seen this, but when I saw “ReadyBoost” I was a bit stumped as to what that could possibly be.  I noticed there are a LOT of new services with Vista, and decided to look it up.  (One… Continue reading ReadyBoost???