Windows Live Writer

I happened to read one of the many junk e-mails that I get from Microsoft (I get them on purpose) and saw this tool for posting to a blog.  I thought I would try it out.  I just downloaded and installed it, but I haven’t read anything on it yet.  I thought I would go… Continue reading Windows Live Writer

Windows cannot access the specified device…

Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file.  You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item. OR you may just need to removed Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration.  I haven’t ever like it.  This is just one more reason.

Explanation of User Account Control in Vista

I found this by accident when I was installing SQL tools on my Vista machine.  I think it gives a pretty good short explanation of User Account Control. This paragraph starts the helpful explanation: Microsoft Windows Vista includes a new feature, User Account Control (UAC), which helps administrators manage their use of elevated privileges.… Continue reading Explanation of User Account Control in Vista

DHCP Scope Migration

So, I was thinking that I would write a script to transfer some DHCP scopes from one machine to another.  Well, wouldn’t you know…  there is already a tool to do that, and I didn’t even have to install software, just read a little article… I have Windows Server 2003.  So here is the… Continue reading DHCP Scope Migration

Skip the “www”

I wasn’t familiar with how to get a website to repsond without the “www” in front, and when I went to do searches on it, I wasn’t too happy with the results.  So, I am creating this entry just to remind me how to do this simple little task. To get a website to respond… Continue reading Skip the “www”

Windows 3.1??

I was looking around and found a blog entry that stipulates that Windows 3.1 is still alive. Silliness prevails it seems.