Random ramblings…

So, after my adventures in moving my Blog to WordPress…  I was thinking I would try to write up "detailed" instructions on what I did to get it up and going, but then I remembered… I am lazy. I still need to move my other websites over to my new server.  The sad thing is,… Continue reading Random ramblings…

“Failed to set Event Logging” error when logging into Citrix Apps

Users are getting the above error due to an invalid entry in the APPSRV.INI file. To fix it: 1. Open the appsrv.ini file located in the user’s Citrix ICA client folder, the default locations are: In Windows Vista – C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\ICAClient\ In Windows XP – C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\ICAClient\ 2. Find the line beginning with”LogFileWin32”, it… Continue reading “Failed to set Event Logging” error when logging into Citrix Apps