I found this by accident when I was installing SQL tools on my Vista machine. I think it gives a pretty good short explanation of User Account Control. http://www.microsoft.com/sql/howtobuy/windowsvistasupport.mspx This paragraph starts the helpful explanation: Microsoft Windows Vista includes a new feature, User Account Control (UAC), which helps administrators manage their use of elevated privileges.… Continue reading Explanation of User Account Control in Vista
Category: Microsoft
DHCP Scope Migration
So, I was thinking that I would write a script to transfer some DHCP scopes from one machine to another. Well, wouldn’t you know… there is already a tool to do that, and I didn’t even have to install software, just read a little article… http://www.geekadmin.com/?p=13 I have Windows Server 2003. So here is the… Continue reading DHCP Scope Migration
A MAC guy writes about Vista
Windows Experience Index
In Windows Vista, Microsoft is making an effort to help you figure out where your weaknesses are when it comes to PC performance. The Windows Experience Index is an evaluation of key components of your system. When you want to know what to do to improve performace, you can take a look at it and… Continue reading Windows Experience Index
Windows 3.1??
I was looking around and found a blog entry that stipulates that Windows 3.1 is still alive. http://bink.nu/photos/news_article_images/category1022/picture13552.aspx Silliness prevails it seems.
So I was looking through the Services and noticed a couple of interesting items. You probably have already seen this, but when I saw “ReadyBoost” I was a bit stumped as to what that could possibly be. I noticed there are a LOT of new services with Vista, and decided to look it up. (One… Continue reading ReadyBoost???
Vista Tweaks
I was looking around for something else, but came across this and thought it was useful: http://vistaforums.com/Forum/Topic562-12-1.aspx There are some interesting tweaks there.
DHCP Console doesn’t open?
If you have a number of DHCP reservations or scopes, 87 specifically, you might have a problem opening the MMC snap-in. It is ok if you have 86 or 88. Apparently there is an “error 87” and if you have 87 reservations or 87 scopes the snap-in gets confused. To fix it, you can call… Continue reading DHCP Console doesn’t open?
Deleting things from the Registry
So… the other day I was working on a script. I had a need to delete several registry Subkeys under one key. I hadn’t really figured out how I was going to go about it, but I happened to pick up a copy of TechNet Magazine on my desk and see at the bottom “Scripting… Continue reading Deleting things from the Registry
Do you want to be a Scritping Guy?
Microsoft’s Script Center has a “funzone“ that has a weekly scripting puzzle. I haven’t tried it yet, but it would seem like a good way to get some practice scripting. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/funzone/puzzle/default.mspx