Group Policy Processing

I was looking for information on how Group Policies get applied and I thought this particular paragraph explained some of the strange things we sometimes see with Group Policy behavior: Folder Redirection and Software Installation Policies Note that when logon optimization is on, a user may need to log on to a computer twice before folder redirection policies… Continue reading Group Policy Processing

Categorized as Microsoft

Reading a Unicode text file using VB Script

 I was looking for something else and came across this in the Scripting guy archives… Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(“c:\scripts\test.txt”, ForReading,False,TriStateTrue) The first two parameters probably don’t faze you much: they’re simply the full path to the file we want to open and the constant ForReading. And you’re right: this is standard operating procedure when it… Continue reading Reading a Unicode text file using VB Script

Categorized as Scripting

SQL for Tivoli Storage Manager

 Found this web page that has sample queries for TSM. This page has a collection of useful SQL statements for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM). Here you can find out a lot of selects that will help you to get information from TSM and to construct your own SQL statements. SQL for Tivoli Storage Manager

Does Vista suck?

 I thought this was an interesting perspective on Vista.  He doesn’t try to gloss over shortcoming, but he does point out that not all the pains are Microsoft’s fault.  I mean really…  Do venders really think if they ignore Microsoft it will just go away? Does Vista suck? Though not without its warts, Microsoft’s much… Continue reading Does Vista suck?

Windows Failed to install the update with error 0x80070643

I am responsible for keeping a number of machines (around 900 or so) up to date with all the latest Windows Updates.  Recently I noticed that a number (around 15 or so that I am sure of) weren’t installing particular updates.  I have seen this in the past, but the particular updates that wouldn’t apply weren’t of real… Continue reading Windows Failed to install the update with error 0x80070643

Will We Run Out of Storage?

I  was deleting e-mails that I don’t read, but would like to when I came across this e-week article.  Wonder if he has stock in storage vendors? Will We Run Out of Storage? By David MorgensternJuly 28, 2007Opinion: Is a capacity shortage looming in the near future for enterprise assets? Maybe so, depending on how one… Continue reading Will We Run Out of Storage?

Copy as Path

So I was flipping through TechNet Magazine (because it is one of the many magazines that slide across my desk into the stack of “if I ever get time” stuff) and came to the last article in the issue:  “Windows Explorer Doesn’t Do Text”.  The article explains the reason that you can’t just select a… Continue reading Copy as Path